How effective is laser treatment for cavities?


How effective is laser dentistry in treating cavities?

What is your biggest concern when your dentist says you have cavities in your teeth? Besides the financial implications of getting your cavities filled, you might be worried about getting shots, facing the dreaded drill, and ultimately getting a puffy face. These feelings might scare you from visiting the dentist's office, but leaving the cavities untreated will allow the cavity to expand and reach the roots of your tooth. As a result, it starts harming the underlying bone and can lead to problems that might not have been thought of.

Fortunately, to lessen your fear dentists are now using a technology called laser dentistry that can fix your cavities without causing any pain. It is a painless option that does not require drilling but only water and air.

What is laser dentistry? 

Laser dentistry is a minimally invasive option for gum surgery, treatment of cavities, and other such oral issues. Dentists use lasers in various procedures involved inside the mouth, whether removal of any tissue that is overgrown, reshaping the gums, or whitening the teeth. There are two types of dental lasers that could be used at your next dentist appointment. 

Soft Tissue Lasers

The soft tissue lasers use pulsed beams of concentrated energy and are used to treat cold sores, whiten teeth, enhance smiles by reshaping the gums, treat cavities, eliminate benign tumors,  and more. It works on two principles: laser decontamination (cleaning) and vaporization of diseased tissue. Using these in dentistry inhibits bacterial growth, and promotes faster healing. The cost of soft tissue laser dentistry is also reasonable when compared with other procedures.

Hard Tissue Lasers

As the name indicates, it is used to cut ‘hard’ tissues in the mouth, like the teeth. The hard tissue lasers are used to treat cavities, prepare a tooth for a root canal, prepare cavities for filling, and help etch the enamel. The procedure does not require anesthesia and overheating of the parts of tooth-like the pulp is spared. 

How does laser treatment for cavities work?

During the procedure, a highly conventional and precise invisible light beam is passed through the cavities which kills and removes bacteria present in the decayed portion of the tooth. Dental laser treatments are also used to harden the tooth filling material for a long-term and secure positioning. It is one of the best ways as the dentist will not have to remove much healthy Enamel as they do while using a drill. Also, the dentist may use Waterlase- a water-based laser system that will keep your teeth hydrated all through the process to decrease the pain. The whole procedure is not very painful as it uses water, air, and light instead of needles and drills.

How effective are dental lasers in treating cavities?

Laser dentistry cavity fillings are ideal for patients of all ages. Especially, for those who fear dental drills and scalpels or simply prefer the minimally invasive method of treatment.

  • There is very less chance of patients requiring sutures
  • Patients are not required to take anesthesia
  • The dental laser cost is less compared to other procedures
  • The laser sterilizes the gums, for which there is less chance of infection
  • With less damage to gums, the healing time is shortened
  • Patients lose less blood than in traditional surgery, as lasers promote blood clotting
  • The surrounding tissues suffer from less damage
  • Laser dentistry decreases the requirement of stitches when dental soft tissue laser is performed.

How Laser dentistry is an effective option for kids?

There are several factors in conventional dental treatments that make kids scary, such as

  • Numbing shots
  • Dental tools
  • Dental drilling that causes loud sounds and vibrations
  • Very sharp scalpels.

Dental lasers got popular because they do not need numbing shots and do not look frightening. In cases, where deep cavities are present a local anesthetic may be given. If we put all these qualities together, it becomes quite clear that dental lasers are safe for kids and best for a child's long-term and short-term oral health.

Are there any limitations to cavity treatment by laser?

Laser dentistry sounds too good to be true, but it also possesses some limitations. For example, there are a few kinds of fillings and cavities that laser dentistry cannot treat. 

  • Serious tooth decay cannot be treated with a Laser
  • Not so common because it needs a substantial investment of money and time from the dentists. They have to purchase lasers, and also have to undergo training for using these lasers. 
  • Costly procedure as the dentist who invests in laser dentistry possesses more tools to offer a specific procedure that is best for you and your kids.
  • Dental lasers are useful in the depigmentation of gums and lips
  • Helps in the removal of peri coronal flaps without pain and severe bleeding
  • Sterilization of root canals
  • Also, used in clinical clenching or teeth whitening safely


Not many people are excited about laser cavity filling, but the process becomes easy and painless with laser dentistry. There is no more pain, drills, or puffy faces.


Laser dentistry is a modern form of dentistry that can be used for a variety of procedures. It allows dentists to work with precision and patients can get a pain-free dental treatment. For more info on laser dentistry, you can log into our website and connect with us via contact us form and opt to speak to a Dentist.



About the author :


Suprithi Choudhary, M.Pharm (Pharmacology)

Suprithi is a Pharma Professional working as a medical content writer and previously worked as a Research Scientist and Senior Research Analyst


  • C.M Academy
  • Attended the Panjab University- Chandigarh, Pharma post-graduate in Pharmacology

  • lasers in dentistry
  • dental treatment
  • treatment with lasers
  • laser cavity filling
  • effectiveness of laser treatment