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Excessive usage of fluoride may causes fluorosis that causes white flecks on the teeth.


Facts and Myths Surrounding Fluoride

The addition of fluoride to water is among the top 10 most significant achievements in the field of Public Health in the 20th Century.

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 Aging is inevitable and can impact your oral health while you age


Effects of aging on dental health

Oral diseases and conditions that are associated with aging concomitantly result in an increased need for preventive, restorative, and periodontal dental care

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Breast milk, often referred to as 'liquid gold, protects a child from various health threats.


Breastfeeding and oral health

Breastfeeding is considered ideal not only for the nutrition of babies but also for babies’ teeth. It provides better bite, reduces tooth decay and malocclusion

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Does your child have a bad habit of chewing that is hard to stop?


Why do kids like to chew on things?

Its common for the kids to chew on things. However, if your kid has a bad habit of chewing on things and does that frequently then it can be related to stress/a

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Dental anxiety is a frequently encountered problem.


Tips to recover from dental anxiety

Dental anxiety results in avoidance of dental care. It can be managed by psycho-therapeutic interventions, pharmacological interventions, or a combination of b

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 Follow these tips to save money on your dental health


Top money saving tips for your oral health

The easiest way to save money is to brush and floss at home, eat a healthy diet, and have your teeth cleaned twice a year. You can prevent both cavities and too

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 Get equipped with the best possible knowledge for keeping your baby's dental health in a top-notch


Baby bottle tooth decay: What is it and how to prevent it?

Baby bottle tooth decay is characterized by white spots on the smooth surfaces of the front teeth. It occurs when the teeth come into frequent contact with too

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 An eating disorder like anorexia, Bulimia and binge eating has many physiological affects.


What are the effects of an eating disorder on your oral health?

Dietary habits significantly impact your oral health, and eating disorders such as bulimia, anorexia, and binge eating has shown to cause tooth decay, enamel er

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Oral lichen planus is an inflammatory condition of the mouth that results from an immune response


Oral lichen planus: Cause, Symptoms, and treatment

Oral lichen planus is an oral health condition characterized by chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the mouth. It may appear as white, lacy patc

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Can prolonged thumb sucking lead to oral health issues and speech impairment?


Can thumb sucking affect your kids oral health?

Thumb sucking is a natural reflex that babies have. Prolonged thumb sucking in babies may affect the alignment of teeth and can cause problems with the proper

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Do you know heavy drinkers are more likely to have Gum disease, tooth decay, and mouth sores?


How does alcohol impact your oral health!

Consuming alcohol in large quantities is linked to several oral health problems, including mouth cancer, tooth decay, and erosion of the teeth. It also increase

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 A healthy smile is not only beautiful but also a kiss-worthy smile


Want a kiss worthy smile? Here are five tips you need to follow right now!

Longing for a kiss-worthy smile? First, you need to get rid of that foul breath, floss and rinse, brush twice a day, get teeth whitening treatment, and do not f

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Make sure you take proper care of your teeth while traveling.


5 travel tips that can keep your teeth healthy

You can protect your teeth from decay and cavities while traveling if you follow certain oral health tips. Make sure you have easy access to your oral care sup

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Maintaining proper dental hygiene can stop gum disease-related tooth loss.


What causes loose teeth?

When the periodontal layer and the bone supporting the teeth gradually detach themselves from the tooth, the tooth becomes loose.

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When you’re pregnant you are prone to gum disease and cavities.


Pregnancy and Oral health: Things to consider

Pregnancy can take a toll on your dental health. Due to change in hormone levels during pregnancy your gums become swollen and tender and can catch infections e

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Do you know according to studies food should be chewed at least 32 times before swallowing?


How to chew your food properly

Chewing your food properly is the first essential step of mechanical digestion. Chew your food slowly and steadily until your mouthful of food is liquefied or

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Bleeding Gums is when the gums begin to bleed spontaneously.


What causes bleeding gums?

While bleeding gums may be considered normal, it can indicate some underlying conditions.

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Brush your teeth with salt and get them clean and white in just a few minutes.


Benefits of brushing teeth with salt

Salt has many benefits for teeth. It helps remove stains from teeth and can even kill bacteria. It acts as a surface abrasive and can damage your tooth if used

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What happens when you knock off your teeth during a fall?


Can an avulsed tooth be saved?

A tooth that is avulsed or completely dislodged from the socket is a case of medical emergency and is accompanied by massive blood loss and increased chances of

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There are numerous alternatives to toothpaste which you can use.


Are there any alternatives to toothpaste?

There are various home remedies and ingredients that can be used as an alternative to toothpaste - like Hydrogen peroxide, sea salt, charcoal, baking soda, and

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All-on-four dental implants can give you a beautiful smile and help relish your favorite foods


All-On-4 Dental Implants- Procedure, Cost, Benefits, Recovery, and More

All-on-4 is a revolutionary treatment that provides patients with multiple missing teeth to restore their full functions with the help of provisional teeth. The

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Skip the expensive teeth-whitening procedures and follow these 6 natural and homemade tips


Whiten your teeth instantly with these 6 easy tips

Get dazzling white teeth in just a few minutes with these 6 natural homemade remedies for your teeth.

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Did you know soft drinks can double the incidence of tooth decay?


Effects of different kinds of drinks on teeth

Beverages can have a varied effect on your teeth and primarily depend upon the overall acidity. Acidic/sugary beverages can damage your enamel due to high acidi

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Right oral health education from a very early age helps in avoiding a lot of dental health problems


Why oral health education is important?

Oral health education is essential to prevent oral health conditions like plaque, toothache due to gingivitis, and caries increment. It also helps spread awaren

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Prosthodontic services involve procedures that help restore and replace damaged natural teeth.


The four different branches of Prosthodontics and their application

Prosthodontic services deal with restorative dental procedures like implants, dentures, rehabilitation treatments, etc.

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Bad breath or halitosis is when a foul odor comes from the mouth.


What is bad breath?

Bad breath is a significant issue that may arise due to multiple causes. Halitosis can have a tremendous impact on the physical, mental, as well as social healt

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 Mouthguards protect your teeth, tongue, gums and cheeks from trauma caused by injury


Mouth Guards an effective solution for bruxism, prevent contact sports injury and more

Mouth guards are dental devices designed for individuals who suffer from teeth grinding. They are ??used as coverings for teeth, protecting teeth, tongue, gums,

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 Teeth bonding can help fix gaps between the teeth


What is a teeth gap, and how to treat it?

Gapped teeth, also called diastema, can make you self-conscious. It is found in kids and adults, is not harmful, and usually closes on its own. However, teeth b

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Plaque buildup that remains for a long time leads to tartar formation on your teeth.


Plaque vs. Tartar what is the difference

Plaque and tartar can both damage your teeth. Plaque is a soft, sticky biofilm on the teeth' surface that, when not removed via proper brushing and flossing, ca

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Do you have extra teeth? Know what hyperdontia is, its causes and symptoms


Too many teeth? learn the causes, diagnosis, and treatment

Hyperdontia or too many teeth is an oral condition in which a person has more than 32 permanent and 20 primary teeth. It is not typically painful but can cause

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A pain killer may help fix your tooth pain but can not fix the underlying condition


Medicines used in dentistry

Various dental medications are used to help ease tooth pain, numb an area in your mouth, fight infection, and treat fungal and bacterial infections. These medic

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Make sure to get that extra information on your dental health by asking the correct questions


10 questions to ask your dentist during your next dental visit

Here are 10 common questions to ask your dentist on your next dental visit.1. How frequently should you visit your dentist? 2) How can I enhance my teeth whiten

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Protect yourself from oral thrush, a fungal mouth infection that commonly affects children & adults


Do your teeth appear like cottage cheese? Learn the symptoms, causes, and treatment for Oral thrush

Oral thrush is a fungal infection that appears as a strange white rash on the mucous membranes of the mouth. It is common in children and is usually treatable.

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Activated charcoal prevents teeth from decay and strengthens gums!


Is charcoal beneficial for teeth cleaning?

Brushing with activated charcoal helps naturally keep oral health in good condition. Its abrasive nature pulls off the stains from your teeth and prevents tooth

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Jaw pain creates a lot of annoyance and impacts your daily life


5 common reasons why your jaws pain

Jaw pain is a common concern and can be observed radiating to other areas of the face. It usually springs from things like a cavity, cracked tooth, infection, g

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It is natural for teeth to become yellow and does not necessarily indicate unhealthy teeth.


10 Common reasons behind your yellow teeth

Several factors cause your teeth to become yellow, dull, and lose their bright, white sparkle. Some may include age, bad lifestyle choices such as smoking, alco

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 Bruxism or Teeth grinding can be prevented by following certain lifestyles and home remedies.


How to stop teeth grinding?

Bruxism is teeth grinding, in which you grind, gnash or clench your teeth. It is usually a sleep-related disorder often observed during nighttime. Combatting st

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Even though the milk teeth are 20, they are good enough to show the path for 32 teeth.


Difference Between Milk Teeth and Permanent Teeth

As humans, we have developed two sets of teeth in our life; one is milk teeth/primary/temporary teeth that erupt after six months of age and are then replaced b

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Do not let Burning Mouth syndrome hamper your daily activities!


What are the symptoms, causes, and treatment of Burning mouth syndrome?

Burning mouth is a painful condition characterized by persistent or recurrent burning-like feeling in the mouth, especially on the tongue, lips, gums, and insid

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 Suffering from gum disease or periodontitis and excessive plaque buildup?


Benefits of Dental Scaling or teeth scaling?

Teeth scaling or dental scaling is a deep cleansing procedure often carried out with root planning. It helps deep clean teeth and gums that regular dental clean

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Get a stunning new smile with ultra-thin dental veneers with minimal tooth preparation.


How do thin veneers preserve more teeth?

Thin or Ultra-thin dental veneers are made from pressed ceramics that are usually 0.2 mm – 0.4 mm thick and can provide a natural-looking beautiful smile.

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Get painless treatment for tooth decay with Ozone therapy- a treatment in which  ozone gas is used.


Ozone therapy- A painless way to eradicate tooth decay

Ozone therapy is an easy way to get rid of tooth decay. It allows rapid healing, and better disinfection of inflamed areas, while also slowing down the growth

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Modern tools such as teledentistry, reformative medicine, and genetic engineering are the future.


Top 5 new technologies shaping the world of dentistry

Technological innovations are changing the face of dental care and are quickly becoming integrated into dentistry. Advances in dental evaluation, reformative m

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Prevention is the key to maintaining healthy teeth and gum.


Are you following the right dental hygiene?

Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping your teeth and mouth clean, and free of disease. Maintaining proper hygiene on a regular basis can help prevent dental d

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Do not settle with the yellow stains in your teeth just because you have sensitive teeth.


Tooth whitening for sensitive teeth. Is it suitable or not?

People with tooth sensitivity may find it difficult and painful to undergo a tooth whitening procedure. But some treatments can help tooth-sensitive individuals

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Replacing your toothbrush depends on your usage, preferences, and health.


Signs that tell you it’s time to replace your toothbrush

Experts recommend changing your toothbrush every three-four months or sooner if you have been sick. Changing your toothbrush depends on several factors, but it'

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Bleeding gums could mean you need to floss more often


5 Reasons why your gums bleed when you floss your teeth

Do your gums bleed easily while flossing? Noticing that your gums bleed when you brush, or floss is not standard and can be due to plaque buildup, hormonal chan

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 Storing toothbrush in an effective way can add to your good oral health condition.


Are you storing your family toothbrush correctly?

The best way to store your toothbrush is storing it in an upright position, not lying down, either inside a case or a cabinet or underneath the sink in a closed

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Cosmetic dental procedures help improve the appearance of your teeth and gums


What are different types of cosmetic dental procedure

Smile with confidence with dental cosmetic procedures like tooth whitening, enamel bonding, dental veneers, teeth shaping, and many more.

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Protect your overall oral health by seeing your dentist at least twice a year.


Dental check-up: When, Why, and how often?

A dental screening is an examination of your teeth and gums. It is recommended that one should undergo a dental examination every six months.

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Canker sores can be painful and uncomfortable for your child.


Help your child fight canker sores with these tips

A Canker sore is a small, shallow sore inside the mouth that appears to be a white or yellow color with a red -outline. Canker sores make it harder for an indiv

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A healthy oral routine does wonders to your mouth and supports your overall health.


Health issues caused by poor dental hygiene

Poor dental/oral hygiene does not only impact your oral health but has also been linked to heart disease, cancer, respiratory infections, erectile dysfunction,

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Are you suffering from toothache? There can be many reasons behind your toothache.


What are the most common causes of toothache?

Toothache is a common problem and can result due to a variety of reasons, including cavities, infected gums, wisdom teeth, tooth decay, grinding your teeth, or

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Having a boil beneath your gum can be uncomfortable, debilitating, and sometimes embarrassing.


What is Gum Boil/Abscess: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Swollen bumps on the gums can result from tooth decay, plaque, or food particles that may lead to infection beneath the surface of the gum

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Regular mouthwash rinse can help remove plaque and assist in getting a good whiff.


How to use mouthwash safely?

Mouthwash, is an oral rinse, usually a liquid formula containing antiseptics that is used to rinse your oral cavity. It protects your mouth from gum diseases an

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 Toothache at night may be due to infection, injury, decay, or abscess.


How to Get Rid of a Toothache at Night

Toothache is a pervasive problem often associated with cavities, decay, infected gums, flossing aggressively, or grinding your teeth.

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Never compromise on oral health, especially with diabetes.


How does diabetes take a toll on your oral health?

Diabetes can affect your oral health adversely. Especially in cases where there is poor blood sugar control and old age. Proper oral care and management of diab

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Human teeth include incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.


What are the four different types of teeth and their function?

Humans have four types of teeth that help cut, tear, shear, grind and crush food. Thus, It's essential to take good care of teeth and go for regular dental che

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Tongue scraping has many benefits- improves taste, builds immunity, boosts digestion and much more


How does tongue cleaning improve your oral health?

Using a tongue scraper helps you enhance oral hygiene and decreases the risk of bad breath. Include it in your daily oral health care routine, and you can see t

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Are you following the right flossing technique?


Dental flossing techniques and types. Does it cause gaps in your teeth?

Dentists recommend flossing your teeth once a day daily to clean the debris or plaque collected in between your teeth which is difficult to remove from the brus

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Did you know rinsing your mouth with salt water can help kill the bacteria in your mouth.


The Oral Health Benefits of Salt Water Rinse

Rinsing your mouth with warm salt water has many benefits for oral health. It's an isotonic solution, easy to prepare, and can prevent numerous oral diseases.

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A confident and flawless smile is all you need on your wedding day.


Dental Package that every bride should consider

Desiring a healthy, flawless smile on your big day? Well! you can opt for exclusive bridal packages that are pocket friendly and can help prepare you to face t

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Protect your baby’s teeth and gum as it can prevent or reduce tooth decay in them.


Why infant oral health care is important?

Infant oral health is an integral part of general wellness. It is important to care for your child's teeth and dental (oral) health from birth. Practicing healt

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Did you know not everyone gets their wisdom teeth?


Does Everyone Have Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars (back teeth) that come through last and furthest back in your mouth. Although it's common to get wisdom teeth, some peo

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Get your natural tooth-colored fillings and restore your tooth functionality!


Dental Fillings: Purpose, Procedure, Types & Cost

A dental filling treatment is a restorative dental treatment used for restoring the missing or damaged structure of your tooth.

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Bad breath? Poor dental hygiene may be causing it


What causes bad breath? How can you prevent it?

Bad breath can cause you trouble. It may embarrass you in front of others. Practicing good oral hygiene, consuming more fruits and vegetables, and keeping your

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Your oral health is directly proportional to your overall health.


5 best practices that you should follow for healthy teeth and gums

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy can allow you to enjoy your favorite food and also keeps oral and dental problems at bay.

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Are your bad teeth due to your genes?


Your father's oral health can impact yours too! It's in your genes

Most dentists and researchers believe genetics can play a part in specific dental health issues. To a certain degree, almost every aspect of our health is assoc

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Did you know the ADA recommends brushing your teeth for two minutes twice a day?


Use your toothbrush correctly to obtain healthy teeth and gums

Taking care of your oral health is as vital as your body. The right way of brushing your teeth starts with the outer surface, then move the brush to your back,

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Are you looking for natural homemade remedies for your healthy teeth?


How to get rid of gum diseases and loose teeth naturally?

Home remedies are quite effective in treating gum diseases and their consequences. Treatments like oil pulling, turmeric toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide, green te

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Protect your teeth and gums from gingivitis and its deteriorating effects.


Gingivitis - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Gingivitis can arise due to poor oral hygiene. If not treated on time, the symptoms can worsen, causing periodontal disease. However, you can reverse gingivitis

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Want to improve the appearance of your teeth? Resin veneers can help!


Resin veneers for your perfect smile

Improve the appearance of your teeth with Resin veneers. These are a minimally-invasive type of tooth covering made using composite resin that sits on the top o

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Take good care of your implants, and implants will take good care of your teeth


How to keep your dental implant clean and hygienic

To keep your dental implants healthy for life, cleaning them are just as necessary as cleaning natural teeth as both depend on healthy surrounding tissues for s

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Recovery time after the dental procedure depends on several factors


Tooth extraction recovery: Types, Procedure and Healing time

Whether its a simple tooth extraction or a surgical both require proper aftercare, as it helps promote the healing process.

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Tooth erosion is one of the most common dental issues.


What is Dental Erosion? Symptoms, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Dental erosion is the loss of tooth enamel due to friction, wear and tear, stress, and acid attack. But there are ways you can prevent it. Speak to your dentist

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 Dentures are artificial false teeth made of acrylic, nylon, or metal.


Dentures: Types, purpose, procedure and care

Dentures can help improve the overall appearance of your smile, chewing and overall health balance. These are removable replacements for missing teeth that can

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 Confused between aligners and braces?


Why Choose Aligners over Conventional Braces?

Aligners are more comfortable than traditional braces. They are easy to clean and offer patients the freedom to eat what they want.

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Don't let your oral health deteriorate due to smoking


You deserve a healthy smile, not a burning cigarette

Smoking greatly impacts your dental and oral health. If you wish to have healthy teeth and healthy gums that will last lifelong, take good care of them. Try to

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 Take care of your oral health before it's too late


Ladies, do you know female hormones have direct effect on your oral health

Women have unique oral and dental concerns. Hormonal changes during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause can negatively affect women’s oral health.

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Benefits of eating cheese for your teeth


Saying Cheese Is Healthy Than Eating?

Is cheese healthy for your teeth or you should just say it while getting clicked? Read more to know

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Multiple ways to use old toothbrush


Your Old Toothbrush May Have Life

Your old toothbrush may have life and can be used in multiple ways. Read more to know.

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Choose between fruit or fruit juices


What Is Your Pick Between Fruits Or Fruit Juice?

Choose your pick between fruits and fruit juices. Know which one is better for your teeth.

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Know the types of toothpaste


Toothpaste: One Size Doesn't Fit All

Not every toothpaste is the same for everyone. Read more to know which one suits you best.

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Laser Root Canal provides an advanced option for root canal treatment to save a badly damaged tooth.


Laser root canal treatment, its procedure and cost

Laser-assisted root canal treatment is a painless treatment conducted by dental specialists to save a badly damaged or infected tooth. The process involves pass

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Did you know dental implants have an overall success rate of 95%?


7 Easy Tips to Recover From Dental Implant Surgery

Laser treatment for a root canal is a painless treatment conducted by dental specialists to save a badly damaged or infected tooth. The procedure involves passi

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Did you know laser dentistry has a pointedly fast healing time compared to conventional dentistry?


How effective is laser treatment for cavities?

Laser dentistry can fix cavities and can treat anything from canker sores to painful gums without all the sad stuff. It involves the use of lasers to remove dec

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Braces help correct problems with your teeth like crowding, crooked teeth or maligned teeth


Most common types of braces for adults

There are several different types of dental braces, including traditional metal braces, Aligners, Ceramic braces, Self-ligating braces, and Lingual braces, that

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Poor oral health can cause and aggravate many systemic conditions


#1 Worst Mistake You Can Make In Your Wellness Journey

The importance of the relationship between oral wellness and systemic disease is significant. Cardiac, pregnancy, pulmonary, etc, conditions are evidently linke

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Eating soft food that is easy to chew and is non-spicy should be the goal after tooth extraction.


What To Eat After Tooth Extraction?

Do not eat hot and spicy food right after your wisdom teeth extraction. Easy to chew food that does not irritate your surgical site is best during those post-op

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Debunking ten of the most prevalent dental health myths


Debunking Most Common Dental Myths

Brushing your teeth for longer and multiple times will only help your teeth. NO, it can also hurt your teeth. Find out the truth about the oral wellness regime

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What are white spot lesions?


Can’t Stop Seeing White Spots?

Know more about white spot lesions while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

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People who suffer from dental anxiety are scared out of their minds to visit the dentist.


Dental Anxiety- The Fear Of Dentists

Dental anxiety is a recognised psychological condition that cripples the sufferer with so much fear that they are unable to withstand the dental clinic setting,

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How to take care of your oral health during COVID-19?


COVID-19: Look Through Better Oral Hygiene

Know how COVID-19 brings the importance of oral hygiene.

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Putting pressure while brushing can lead to worn out bristles of the toothbrush.


The Reason For Fraying Of Toothbrush

A frayed bristle toothbrush looks like a flower because the worn-out bristles bend outwards. One must not keep using such a toothbrush whether it's toothbrush c

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Veneers are thin shells made of resin-composite substance that looks completely natural and corrects


Veneers- To Brighten-up Your Smile

A non-invasive procedure where porcelain/resin-composite material thin shell is used to cover imperfect teeth to give flawless smile.

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This is how you can maintain oral health with a fast life!


Maintain Oral Health With A Fast Life!

Did you know how to maintain good oral health with a fast life? Read more!

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Know what comes beyond brushing your teeth


Brushing And Beyond!

Brushing is not it. There’s a lot more to it. Read more to know!

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Here is the dental faux pas to be taken care of.


Stay Away From Dental Faux Pas

Let’s unfold the other side of your oral health. Read more to know what all are you missing.

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Regular dental visits are a must. Know why.


Importance Of Regular Dental Visits

Did you know the importance of regular dental visits? Read more to know.

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“Superman Syndrome” is common in men. Read more to cure it.


Are You A Man With

You may be a man with “superman syndrome”. Read more to know in detail.

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Perfect teeth are achieved by dental procedures like veneers


How To Get “Perfect Teeth” Like Celebrities?

Veneers and teeth whitening, that is all you need to know if you wish for that perfect celebrity smile too. There is no magic, just skilled cosmetic dentistry.

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tooth extraction aftercare, dos and don'ts after tooth extraction, tooth extraction


Dos And Don'ts After Tooth Extraction

Brushing immediately after tooth extraction is the worst thing you can do to your oral health. Ice pack for a day and warm compress after 2 days to relive swell

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Know why having a smile diet is important


What's Your Smile Diet?

Did you ever think about the smile diet? Read more to know why is it important.

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The best accessory for a smile is sugar-free gums


Sugar-Free Gums: On-The-Go Accessory For Your Smile

Why sugar-free gums are the best accessory for your smile?

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Body’s vitamin deficiency is visible on the tongue


Is Your Tongue Hinting Vitamin Deficiency?

A vitamin deficiency condition where red patches appear on the tongue which looks like islands on the map is called the Geographic tongue condition.

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Keep your teeth tip-top with these tricks


Top Tips To Keep Your Teeth Tip-Top

Know how to take care of your teeth and bright smile

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KYTC feature also allows you to find out the treatment cost beforehand


Treatment Cost & Second Opinion At Your Fingertips

It is possible to KNOW YOUR TREATMENT COST before you even step into the dentist’s clinic

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Understand how sugar is harmful for your overall health


Phase-out The Addiction Of Sugar

Read more to know why is it important to phase out the addiction of sugar.

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Know all about laser techniques in dentistry


Lasers In Cosmetic Dentistry

The use of lasers in dentistry began in 1994 and since then it has only grown in popularity. Apart from convenience, it is effective in sterilisation, cleaning

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Rare diseases are those that affect 1 individual in 8000 or more people


Rare Diseases Day- Dental Rarities

Sjögren’s Syndrome, a rare dental disease, is an autoimmune disorder that affects the mouth and eyes, drying them unnaturally. Pain management is rather difficu

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 how to stop mouth breathing, mouth breathing, mouth to mouth breathing, mouth breathing treatment


How To Stop Mouth Breathing

Like all other medical conditions, mouth breathing treatment depends on the cause of it. There are several reasons for mouth breathing other than just a casual

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Treating your dental worries with the help of UV-rays is trending amongst dental practitioners.


The Miraculous UV-Rays Of Dentistry

If you have ever wondered about the SPF factor in all your skincare products then you are aware of UV-rays and the harm they may or may not pose. But did you kn

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When the tooth pulp gets inflamed and becomes damaged that condition is called Hot Tooth


Did You Know About ‘Hot Tooth’ Condition?

Why shouldn’t your tooth be hot? Because that can be a painful situation and can cause irreversible damage to your tooth pulp. Know how to avoid such a situatio

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What Color Is Your Tongue?


What Does Your Tongue Colour Say About You?

Your tongue tells more than you think it does! Tongue colour meanings are very significant for us to understand. Know which colour of the tongue is susceptible

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Teething remedies for your little one


Teething Remedies

Know how to calm your baby during those fussy days with teething remedies. But don’t forget to consult a paediatrician prior.

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Know how green tea mouthwash can cure bad breath


Beat The Bad Breath With DIY Green Tea Mouthwash

Know the importance of DIY green tea mouthwash to cure bad breath and other oral problems.

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Aiming for a kiss-worthy smile?


Are You Aiming For A Kiss-Worthy Smile?

This Valentine’s Day, let’s aim for a kiss-worthy smile. Read more to know how you can fix the road of your oral health with love.

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Know the relationship between gut health and oral health


Burning Mouth And Gut Health

Your gut health has links with oral health. Read more to know what’s there you aren’t aware of.

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Change your toothbrush after FLU season


Here's Why You Should Change Your Toothbrush During FLU Season!

Not just the frayed bristles but the FLU is yet another reason for you to say goodbye to your old toothbrush. Read more to know how and why.

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World Cancer Day awareness on mouth cancer


Spread The Word On Mouth Cancer

Spreading awareness on World Cancer Day to bring a change in lives. Because that’s the least we could do!

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wisdom teeth removal cost, tooth removal cost, dentist tooth removal, wisdom tooth extraction proced


Painless & Cost Effective Wisdom Teeth Removal

For once we may not feel scared when it is about the cockroaches but the word ‘surgical procedure’ scares the most out of us. Especially when it comes to our mo

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Know the tricks for your sugar tooth smartly.


Tricks To Outsmart Your Sweet Tooth

Get ready to trick your sweet tooth instead of treating it every time. Not just to maintain your sugar consumption but also to keep your overall health up.

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Learn the aftercare regime once you get your wisdom tooth extracted.


Wisdom Tooth Removal - Aftercare

We have heard enough about wisdom tooth extraction. What after an extraction is yet to be explored! Let’s understand it better.

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self ligating braces, self ligating metal braces, self-ligating braces vs traditional braces,


Self Ligating Metal Braces

Braces do not just straighten crooked teeth but also align the upper and the lower jaws, correct misaligned bites, arrange crowded teeth in alignment, reduces e

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gingivitis treatment, gum surgery cost in India, gum treatment, types of gum, gum cleaning


Types Of Gum And Gum Surgery Cost In India

Poor gum health can lead to oral problems like gingivitis, periodontitis, infection or more. This is not to be taken lightly, any unusual feel on the gums could

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Painless Root Canal Treatment


Painless Root Canal Treatment

This process rids your teeth of infections that have burrowed down to the roots and can cause issues like swelling, swollen gums, pus discharge, severe pain.

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Know how a cavity travels through along with its stages


All That You Should Know About Cavity

You all may know by now that what is cavity or dental decay. But to know how does it travel throughout is something you must lend an ear to.

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Read more to know how oral health has connections with social media and trends


Dangerous Oral Health Reel Trends

We know the power of social media. But how are your latest reel trends going to affect your oral idea? No idea? Read more to know-how!

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Role of computer usage in deteriorating child’s oral health


Risking Your Child’s Oral Health With Excessive Computer Usage?

Your child’s excessive computer usage can eventually lead to his bad oral as well as overall health.

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Read more to balance your busy schedule with these dental hacks.


Dental Hacks For The Busy Lifestyle

Rule of two and a few dental hygiene tips during your busy lifestyle goes well when it comes to looking after your oral health.

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Role of oversized bites to damage your oral health


Big Is Not Always Good!

Big sizes are always better? No, big sizes may leave you stuck in difficulties. Know how!

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Feel as if you have bitten into your spoon? That metallic taste is no doubt very annoying!


Altered Taste Like Metal

The bad metal-like taste in your mouth could be indicative of something wrong with your oral wellness.

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Know how dental Botox is an up and coming treatment for multiple aesthetic corrections in dentistry.


Ask Your Dentist About Botox For Teeth Grinding

Dental Botox is a great way to correct the aesthetic of your smile. From high lip like to that black triangle gap in your gums, all can be corrected by Botox.

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Family history is no less important when it comes to teeth and oral health


Your Family History And Teeth!!

Not just the values or systematic diseases, but your family history can affect your oral health as well.

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Choosing your favourite colour toothpaste is not enough. You must know what you are opting for


How To Choose Best Toothpaste For Oral Wellness

Having salt in your toothpaste is not enough, you must know what all goes on in your mouth due to the rest of the elements in the toothpaste

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If you can’t taste or smell your favourite food that could be alarming


How Your Dentist Can Help You Regain Your Smelling Sense

Did you know that there could be a deeper reason for your loss or changed taste?

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Do not fear anaesthesia, ask your dentist all about it.


Dental Anaesthesia Makes You Comfortably Numb

The Local Anaesthesia injection you are so afraid of getting at the dentists’ is actually your best friend.

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Reoccurring acne, rashes, irritation and more on your face can be because of bad oral health


Your Radiant Skin Needs Oral Care

Those bacteria's that dwell in your mouth can cause more trouble than you know.

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Know how small actions from your daily life is damaging your teeth beyond repair.


Let’s Not Be Fools-Teeth Are Not Tools

While tearing open a ketchup sachet do we ever pay attention to our teeth? Even that minimal action can cause the teeth to damage.

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Mouthwash has an alcohol percentage which if ingested can cause dizziness, convulsions and more


Why Shouldn't Kids Use Mouth Wash?

Children do not possess the ability to spit properly and may ingest the mouthwash which is why it is not advised for small kids to use mouthwash

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Dental sealant is a good way to avoid cavities amongst children but one must remember prevention


Dental Sealants- The Cavity Inhibitor

Tooth cavity is one of the most prevalent problems in the world of dentistry. Dental sealant on the other hand may help prevent the cavity-causing bacteria

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Electronic toothbrushes are not just a chic way of brushing your teeth but an efficient way.


Electric Toothbrush Is Better Or Manual Toothbrush?

Spending on an electric toothbrush is not a waste of money but a long-term investment.

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Did you know that newborns are also vulnerable to a lot of infections because of no immunity?


Your Kisses May Give Your Baby An Upset Tummy

It is a well-known fact that an adult mouth is riddled with germs and these said germs are very harmful to the babies if transferred

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Dental implant in India, Tooth implant, Price of dental implants, Permanent teeth implants cost,


Dental Tooth Implant In India

A dental implant is nothing but an artificial tooth fitted in the place of the lost tooth. The implant looks and works exactly the same as your real teeth.

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teeth braces, teeth braces cost in india, types of braces and cost, wire on teeth


Types/Cost Of Braces For Teeth

If you are looking to straighten your teeth, brace treatment is the most effective way. It's also affordable and can be done in a short period.

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Do not self diagnose, let the professionals do their job


Don’t Go to Mr Google For Dental Worries

If you trust “Mr Google” more than the best dentists of India on MyDentalPlan, you should really revisit the thought. Do not self diagnose

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Children during 7 - 12 years of age go through a dental phase called ‘The Ugly Duckling’ stage.


The Tale Of Ugly Duckling

If your kid is 7 - 12 years old and you feel they need braces, think again. The children could simply be going through ‘The Ugly Duckling’ stage where their lat

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Clear aligners, invisible teeth braces, transparent braces


What are Transparent/Invisible Teeth Braces?

Clear aligners or transparent/invisible teeth braces are transparent trays that cover your teeth and work as braces to correctly align them.

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Deficiency of Vit C is a more serious condition than we anticipate it to be and your oral wellness s


Vitamin C For Your Mouth

Those sour lemons and oranges are actually very important for your body. Your oral health must not suffer because of Vitamin C loss. Read more to know more!

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Bleeding gums and blood in the mouth is a very serious issue, do not ignore that slight red you see


Don’t Colour Your Toothbrush Red

Do your mouth seems redder than usual? It could be blood!!! Be vigilant and read to know what should you look out for and when to go to the dentist.

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Your yellow teeth could be because of plaque, lifestyle or even genetics.


Your Teeth May Also Choose The Colour Yellow

If you avoid tea, coffee, tobacco and anything else that may stain your teeth and still sometimes your teeth look yellowish, it is not your fault. Genes affect

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We use our toothbrushes daily, some of us must be using them twice a day. But little did we know


Your First Mass-Produced Toothbrush Was Invented In Prison

Though primitive toothbrushes started out as toothpicks, chewing sticks etc., but now when we look around, the toothbrush has changed quite a bit. Let’s see how

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Your teeth enamel rates very close to diamonds on the strength chart.


There Is Strength In Unity

There Is Strength In Unity

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Chewing gum may cause cavities! Yes, those little pieces of gums can be very harmful to your teeth


Your Teeth Hates Your Chewing Gum

Chewing gum comes very naturally to us but we forget to pay attention to our teeth. It can lead to harmful effects on your oral health, read on to see why shoul

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DIY can be helpful for your oral health too


Here's Your DIY Remineralizing Tooth Powder

Good news DIY fans, we've heard your questions loud and clear! What if we tell you that DIY can be helpful for your oral health too. Read more to know how.

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Your upset stomach could be due to those ignored dental issues! The bad bacteria in your mouth can c


Oral Health Is Related To Gut Health

If you have an upset stomach don’t blame the food, your oral health could be at fault. Dental health can tell a lot about your gut health.

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Research says that wearing a mask comes with some disadvantages.


The Life Of Mask Mouth

Have you noticed that you tend to drink less water while wearing a mask? Masks help us to avoid unwanted microorganisms entering our body but there are some dis

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Wisdom Teeth pains are not always the growing pains, sometimes they get impacted (tilted) which can


Wisdom Of The Wisdom Tooth

Did you know 35% of people are born without Wisdom Teeth and out of those who have, 90% of times the Wisdom tooth gets impacted? Researchers are hoping to find

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A denture


It's Time For A New Adenture

Gone through an extraction due to injury or disease? A denture is a solution! Read more to know how.

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Are You Using Essential Oils In Your Mouth?


Are You Using Essential Oils In Your Mouth?

Essential oils can help suppress a lot of your oral problems without disrupting the health-giving microbial species in our mouths.

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Diet hack to heal cavities


1 Diet Hack To Heal Cavities

Did you know that you can actually prevent your cavities by having essential fats? Read more to know the insights.

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Tooth decay pattern


Tooth Decay Pattern

We all have heard about tooth decay or cavities. Here’s a little insight on how to treat it on time.

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Misaligned jaw may cause several problems in the body


Have you recently BRACED your teeth

Try eating softer food in smaller bites to avoid having trouble with the braces. But no matter what food will occasionally get stuck in a way that will annoy yo

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Reduce the risk of heart disease with tongue cleaning


Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease With Brushing and Tongue Cleaning

Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease With Brushing and Tongue Cleaning

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You deserve a healthy smile, not a burning cigarette


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Altered Taste Like Metal


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Your Family History And Teeth!!


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Dental Anaesthesia Makes You Comfortably Numb


Your Radiant Skin Needs Oral Care


Let’s Not Be Fools-Teeth Are Not Tools


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Dental Sealants- The Cavity Inhibitor


Electric Toothbrush Is Better Or Manual Toothbrush?


Your Kisses May Give Your Baby An Upset Tummy


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Types/Cost Of Braces For Teeth


Don’t Go to Mr Google For Dental Worries


The Tale Of Ugly Duckling


What are Transparent/Invisible Teeth Braces?


Vitamin C For Your Mouth


Don’t Colour Your Toothbrush Red


Your Teeth May Also Choose The Colour Yellow


Your First Mass-Produced Toothbrush Was Invented In Prison


There Is Strength In Unity


Your Teeth Hates Your Chewing Gum


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Oral Health Is Related To Gut Health


The Life Of Mask Mouth


Wisdom Of The Wisdom Tooth


It's Time For A New Adenture


Are You Using Essential Oils In Your Mouth?


1 Diet Hack To Heal Cavities


Tooth Decay Pattern


Have you recently BRACED your teeth


Reduce The Risk Of Heart Disease With Brushing and Tongue Cleaning
