Painless Root Canal Treatment

Most dental issues trigger internal decay of the tooth and roots. In India, 70% - 80% of the dental wellness market revolves around RCT because there is a lack of dental wellbeing awareness. Root Canal Treatment is the cleaning and treatment of tooth roots when your tooth and roots become infected. 

Basically, all dental issues come down to the roots of your teeth, the infection can further move into the bloodstream and cause cardiac troubles. That is why it is said that a small effort today can go a long way. If you care for your teeth when there is a small problem you will not have to worry about bigger treatments.

Getting a cavity filled today may seem like a hassle but it is certainly a significant part of your oral health. Forget your favourite food, drinking water will also become a difficult task if your dental roots are decaying from inside. 

If you fear the dentist’s clinic and RCT, let us tell you there are far worse complexities. Root canal treatment is not just a conservative method used to save a tooth that has been infected due to a cavity but it is the way to avoid losing your tooth forever. 


RCT is your best bet if your teeth troubles have escalated. It is done by general dentists or Endodontists who are specialised doctors to treat the dental pulp (tooth core) and are root canal specialists.  

How is RCT done?

  • In RCT the dentist will disinfect the tooth pulp via biomechanical means, the cavity is assessed on the infected tooth and the canal/canals are observed. 
  • The canals are then cleaned and disinfected with biomechanical methods to eliminate any infected pulp. 
  • Since the tooth is hollowed out and may not have any pulp left, a dental cap is then placed on the treated tooth that adds support to it so no further damage occurs.

Who needs RCT?

  • Anybody with a cavity is at the risk of the said tooth starting to decay or the infection burrowing deep into the roots and eventually in the bloodstream, they would need an RCT treatment to remove the infection. 
  • A trauma that leads to cracking of the tooth and further to inflammation of the pulp is also treated by RCT. 
  • Sensitivity and infected pulp are also treated with RCT which relieves the pain/sensation.
  • A cyst can form due to continuous infection in the root

How to prevent any condition that would need RCT?

Anybody who hears RCT imagines unbearable pain during and after the process. The dentist with those scary-looking tools freaks most of us out. So what can be a way to avoid such a scenario because we believe there is no such thing as a painless root canal treatment. 

Clearly ignoring the issue will not help, neither is it a way to handle oral wellness. Nevertheless, there are certain ways, following which you might not have to undergo the dreaded RCT.

Maintaining good oral hygiene-  Brushing twice a day for two minutes and flossing once a day.

Visiting the dentist- A regular checkup (every 6 months) and cleaning your teeth once in a year will keep you up to date on your oral health. 

Listen to your dentist- If your dentist advises you to get a filling done, listen to them. It will decrease your possibility of RCT. 

At the end of the day, you must also remember that an RCT is far advanced now in the 21st century and that because of all these sedation techniques there is very little to no pain during the procedure. 


How much does root canal treatment cost?

If you are vigilant and aware of your oral health, an RCT will cost not less than 8 to 15 thousand rupees but you will most likely not need it if you follow your dentist's words properly. The requirement for RCT treatment arises from ignoring your small dental cavity issues, this proves the age-old saying, “Dentistry is not expensive, neglect is.”

It is in human nature to not take something seriously until the problem transforms into a serious complication. 

A cavity filling today may cost 1000 - 1900/- buck but if the decay reaches your roots the treatment skyrockets to multiples of 10s of thousands.

Yes, there are situations that are not in anyone’s control, like trauma to the teeth, in such cases RCT can be a saviour for your teeth and roots. Root canal treatment will preserve your tooth structure and will give you back its use in no time. 


The treatment takes multiple siting and for many, the root canal treatment cost may seem expensive. Here MyDentalPlan- India’s largest dental network will support your dental wellbeing. With treatment cost financing, standardised treatment pricing, best dentists and PAN India presence, MyDentalPlan is your best choice for any treatment while receiving full transparency. As if this was not all, you also get brilliant dental plans like My99Plan & 599/- plan that will provide you with the opportunity to consult the best dentist near you and also enable you to get video consultations as many times as you need. The 599/- plan also comes with an added advantage of earning options, get 5000 worth of MyDentalPlan wallet top-up while caring for your teeth. Stop waiting around!



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