All That You Should Know About Cavity

Cavity - a word well heard! Whether we eat more than one chocolate or skip our brushing regime at night, the only fear which encouraged us to not repeat the same from the next day on is of getting a cavity. But do we know what is a cavity in teeth all about? Let's get to know about it a little better.

The dental cavity, also known as caries or decay are holes in our teeth that are developed or formed when acid in the mouth erodes a tooth's outer layer, also known as tooth enamel.

If we go by the research, people of all ages can get a cavity. And there’s no DIY to remove the cavity from your teeth at home! Another study states that most people complain about having at least one by the time they step into their 30s. As far as children are concerned, they are no exception because of their improper brushing technique and consumption of more sugary foods and beverages. Having said that, tooth decay embedded its name in the list which tells us about the chronic nature.

Coming to the stages and types of tooth decay. Let us make it very clear that dental caries is not friends with any layer of your tooth. But it gives you a second chance to show your love for a bright smile.

You must be having the misconception that once your enamel is eroded, it's time for you to say goodbye to it forever! Well, this is not completely true. In the initial stage of tooth erosion, the cavity gives you a chance to pull up your socks and start looking after your pearly whites a little better. That means, it can be reversed.


We understand your curiosity. Hence, explaining to you the walk and stages of cavity -

White Spot Attack

The moment your tooth starts ditching you by showing the signs of damage is the moment when your tooth will get a few new family members - white spots. No doubt, they are the ones residing under the surface but can be seen.

Reason for white spots? Demineralization. But they can be revered as said earlier. With the help of fluoride, one can again mineralize their enamel. Of course, dental hygiene and dental check-ups go hand-in-hand.

During this stage, you can easily hold a tooth cavity treatment before it asks you for a filling.

Enamel Decay

What did you think about that black spot? Did it come overnight on the outer surface or can you heal the cavity in two days? NO! A dental cavity develops under the surface of your tooth enamel initially. It slowly and gradually comes out through the surface.

Wondering if it can be reversed? Absolutely not. But you can still save your tooth. 

Here comes the role of filling your teeth, where your dentist will kick out the decayed material and fill the hole.

Deeper Dive Into Dentin

What's next? The cavity breaks down the tooth enamel to hit or dive deeper into the dentin - the second component of the tooth below. Now, this is an advanced stage. While you have enough time to make it up because it hasn't reached the pulp (the innermost core of tooth) yet. 

However, you can't reverse this stage and might end up in pain. But, if taken good care of maybe your tooth won't ask for a root canal treatment.

Ouch! The Pulp Hurts

Here comes the result of your carelessness. Extreme pain because the infection has now knocked the doors of pulp and therefore the nerves as well. Sorry to break this out, but root canal treatment is the only saviour. Unless of course, the dentist needs to extract your tooth, an irreversible stage!!


The Final Distress

Now your cavity has travelled throughout. And the tissue, as well as the bone surrounding the root of your tooth, is unfortunately infected. Result? Swelling and extreme pain. Hey! hold on, don’t take it lightly. They are also dangerous for one's health. A very serious infection that can also travel to other parts of your body and can be fatal.

Now when you know what all you have to suffer, why don’t look at the symptoms you need to observe in the first place. Take the right precautions then and there and save yourself from reaching the stages of distress.

As far as your tooth enamel's outer surface is concerned, it doesn't usually cause pain or symptoms. But to get enlightened about how to remove cavities from teeth, a regular visit to your dentist can be a plus point.

When tooth decay develops into the dentin; the signs may cover bad breath, bleeding gums, facial swelling, toothache, sensitivity and redness around or inside your mouth.

But all of this can be lessened with your proper dental care routine. We strictly want you to stick to the "rule of two". Brush twice a day for about two minutes and get yourself checked by a dentist twice a year. And if at all it’s too late, you can consult India’s best dentists who may help you with various instruments or dental X-rays for your oral examination that will certainly alarm you before the cavity is visible. 

Don’t worry, we stand by your side during all the thick and thins when it comes to dental care. MyDentalPlan - India’s largest dental network is all that you require, be it any stage of a cavity. So you see, how your dental saviours are right near you to ensure quality as well as standardisation. What is the wait, then?



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  • how to remove cavity from teeth
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