Spread The Word On Mouth Cancer


Cancer is devastating for one and all across the globe who are suffering from it. As per the stats, around 9.6 million lives are suffering from cancer and the number may rise more.

But if stood together, we can bring change.

World Cancer Day is observed on February 4th and sharing knowledge around the same is the least we could do. Because more than one-third of cases are definitely preventable and cured if they detect it at the right time and immediately start with the right treatment.

Another point that needs our attention is mouth cancer which is no less exceptional. 

Mouth cancer can occur anywhere in the mouth. Be it your mouth, tongue, lips etc. We can't ignore the matter of fact that it is a serious problem and the sixth common cancer

Here comes the need for dentists, hygienists and therapists to understand the criticality of the situation. Also to help the patients to combat the lifestyle issues which may call for mouth cancer.

While it is clear that the ones consuming tobacco or alcohol are at higher risks of getting mouth cancer. However, little did they know that early diagnosis through regular screenings can save them. 


How else can one prevent?

Other than the regular screenings and examinations, there are other ways as well to prevent the same. 

Getting brief counselling on how to moderately consume alcohol or quit tobacco can be a great initiative to spread awareness. Creating awareness around high risky lifestyles and how can one make a difference is yet another step which should be taken care of. 

The list is not yet over. At a community level as well, we all can participate and spread the word to help people with the early detection of the same. Because it will just take a few minutes for you to save someone's life. So, don't take it lightly when a little awareness can bring a major difference.


Catch Your Mouth Cancer Early!

While only a doctor can predict by examining early detection signs. However, in the listed below situations, you must rush to the doctor to get checked -

  • Mouth ulcers which take longer than a week to heal
  • Red and white patches in the mouth
  • Lumps or swelling in the mouth

And you just need not make your mind well-in-advance to visit the doctor in the other corner of your city. With MyDentalPlan, India’s best dentists are available PAN India. Yes, that’s right! You never know that one may be next to your residential area. What is the wait then? Visit www.mydentalplan.in and get to know to best dentists within your nearby radius.



  • world cancer day
  • cancer
  • mouth cancer
  • deadly disease
  • prevention of mouth cancer
  • consuming tobacco or alchohol
  • treatment for mouth cancer