Treatment Cost & Second Opinion At Your Fingertips



Have you ever wondered what is the right cost for your treatment, whether you are charged fairly or not? Does low cost mean substandard quality service and uncertainty about a second opinion?


You have, everybody does and why not? It is natural to have second doubts about spending unreasonable amounts especially if we have not been taught about the severity of dental health.

Even then, spending excessively won't do well for many without transparency in the costing system. You as a consumer have the right to know how and what are you being charged for. But do you get a straight answer to such questions? You will now!

With the new feature we offer, you will be able to find out how much will a particular visit at the dentist’s clinic will cost you. No matter which city you are in, just choose the location and treatment from the dropdown list and find out the standardised rates. 

You do not need to visit 10 clinics to find the best economical and quality dental practice and/or second opinion options. Along with market charges, you will also be able to see how much treatment benefit and discount is applicable for you because of our custom made plans. 

We will also assist you in locating the nearest experienced dentist and will offer a consultation plan that will save you time and money. 

Let MyDentalPlan - India’s largest dental network answer all your queries. KNOW YOUR TREATMENT COST and find the standardised costs of 550+ treatments around the nation with one click. Visit today!

  • Know your treatment cost
  • find treatment cost
  • find dental treatment cost
  • save money on dental treatment
  • dentist cost
  • dental treatment