Dental Anaesthesia Makes You Comfortably Numb


We hear anaesthesia and immediately imagine an unconscious body lying on the dental chair, the reality my friend is far beyond!

Anaesthesia in Latin means lack or loss of sensation. The first recorded use of anaesthesia in procedure was from 1846. Yes, this method is that old, then why are we still using this method for the medical approach? Because of the advantages that it brings along.

The biggest advantage is obviously reduced/no pain, also decreased patient awareness during the procedure which is also called “procedure amnesia.” 

There is also the fact that anaesthetics help in muscle relaxation that makes it easier for the treatment to go smoothly. Airway control, breathing and circulation are also managed. 

Administration of anaesthesia is based on the patient’s age, medical condition, length of procedure and chances of negative reaction in the body. There are different types of anaesthesia that are used in dentistry:

Local Anaesthesia- It is used for short periods and simple procedures like tooth extraction, RCT etc. It is administered directly to the area in focus, hence the name. 

Sedation- This method has several levels which are categorised as mild, moderate and deep, based on the level of consciousness. Sedation relaxes the patient to deal with any anxiety, it is used during procedures like stitches and to relax smaller children.

General Anaesthesia- As the name suggests it is broader in its effect, the patient becomes completely unconscious. Used for longer periods for procedures like trauma (jaw fracture), nose surgery.

Anaesthesia is a very misunderstood factor of dentistry, people understandably fear the anaesthetic injections without knowing enough about it. Since there is always some sort of risk involved, you must ask your dentist all about your treatment and relax. 


Be comfortably numb at the best dentist by MyDentalPlan - India’s largest dental network. Know this, you will receive all the information necessary and standardised quality treatment. Visit and find the best dental plan for yourself and your family.



  • anaesthesia
  • types of anaesthesia
  • use of anaesthesia
  • loss of sensation
  • MyDentalPlan
  • anaesthesia in dentistry