What Is Your Pick Between Fruits Or Fruit Juice?


People nowadays are trying to live a healthy life. Adding more wholesome items to their diets, regular workouts and more intake of water is a mandate. 


But when it comes to the debate on fruits vs fruit juice, no one is sure which one is healthy. We know, in the long run, fruits are the go-to choice, but juices too have their benefits. Let's understand in detail.


"Sugary" Juices

People may say juices are the best but dentists have given a stern warning on the same. The culprit in juice is sugar. Many juices contain the same amount of sugar which we all know by now can be very damaging to your oral health. Especially, grapes and apple juices which are sweeter.

Not just the sugar, but the fruit juices also have acids that can cause irreparable damage. Citrus juices like orange, lemonade etc. can wear down the enamel and can also reduce the hardness of tooth enamel. 

No, we aren't saying that you should stop drinking the juice as it does have the vitamins and minerals that your body needs. However, with a little rectification and dental care, you can eliminate the damage that may happen to your pearly whites.


Here are some basic to-dos while having fruit juice -


Don't sip for hours 

If you are consuming a sweet beverage, drink it in one go rather than sipping for hours. It helps you reduce the amount of time for sugar and acid to stay on your teeth, hence protecting them.


Drink it with a meal

Make your juice a part of your meal. Your meal enriched with carbohydrates and proteins will help minimise the sugar that damages your pearly whites.


Use a straw

Sipping juices through a straw reduces the liquid's contact with teeth and enamel.


For more information and better guidance, remember to consult a dentist regularly and get your teeth checked. MyDentalPlan has curated special plans and packages that are pocket-friendly with a lot of perks to make your pearly whites shine.



About the Author:

Mumal Shekhawat

Senior Content Writer at MyDentalPlan Healthcare 

An MBA who got a palpable spark from writing and pursued it as her career for almost 5 years now. 

Special thanks to Dr Deepak Kulkarni, a dental surgeon with over 23 years of experience who proofread this blog. He graduated from the H.K.E's Dental College, Gulbarga, and has certifications in ACHS International Accreditation Education Plan; Advanced Rotary Endodontic - Restorative Continuum; and Leadership, Team Building and Customer Service Leadership from the Oscar Murphy International.


  • fruit juices for teeth
  • juices or fruits
  • effect of sugar in juices
  • use a straw to drink fruit juice
  • what do you prefer eating fruit or drinking juice?