Tooth whitening for sensitive teeth. Is it suitable or not?


Admiring for white teeth but suffering from tooth sensitivity? Teeth sensitivity is seen in several people. While for maximum people, sensitivity is mild and reduces rapidly, for others, it can be intense and might last for some days.        

Tooth whitening is one of the best options for those individuals who are looking to brighten their smiles. But the question is how safe it is for people with sensitive teeth? How does teeth whitening for someone with sensitive teeth works? Well, check with a dentist before initiating teeth whitening treatments. It’s safe to deal with teeth discoloration, even if you have sensitive teeth. A dentist can only help you with teeth whitening options that are best suited for you. First, you should know about teeth whitening technology and why temperatures make your teeth tingle.


Why do teeth whitening products enhance tooth sensitivity?

Every product for teeth whitening consists of a few amounts of hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Even if these ingredients vary between professional and at-home treatments, any quantity can result in irritation and temporary or long-lasting tooth sensitivity. When peroxide enters tooth enamel, irritation occurs in the soft layer of dentin where nerves are located. When whitening gel goes through its natural process from active to inactive, the teeth' pores remain open and exposed, leading to tooth dehydration. Your tooth remains sensitive till rehydration of teeth occurs through saliva production, which of course several hours. Other factors affecting tooth sensitivity degree and duration are the peroxide concentration and not using the prescribed products.


Can Sensitive teeth be whitened?


Always discuss your teeth whitening method with your dentist.

Your dentist's suggestion is essential for your teeth whitening decision whether or not you have sensitive teeth. As per the recommendations by American Dental Association, you must select teeth whitening bleaching products after proper consultation with the dentist. They will examine your mouth and determine which options are best for you, whether it is a home bleaching product or professional products. Without any bleaching process, your dentist can clean your teeth to remove any external stains. 

Your dentist might suggest using a fluoride rinse, fluoride toothpaste or a gel to strengthen your teeth. There are also many professional teeth whitening treatments for helping you with sensitivity, for example, plastic resins or fluoride varnishes.


Buffering of bleach  

Like your phone, teeth whitening technology is getting smarter daily. Nowadays, the bleaching gels are being buffered very well, for which sensitivity is not causing any problem. Ensure you are constantly making use of products recommended by your dentist.


Professional teeth whitening treatments

This is one of the best options for those having sensitive teeth, even if it is more expensive than DIY treatments. Here a trained professional is engaged in monitoring the whole process and makes sure that your teeth are safe all through the treatment. Gels and desensitizers can also decrease sensitivity while whitening your teeth. They are also efficient in removing deep stains and even last very long.


Porcelain veneers

When teeth are very much stained or are damaged might not show a positive reaction to whitening techniques. If your case is this, then your dentist might recommend porcelain veneers. Your dentist will give you information about the porcelain veneer process and what you can expect during treatment.


DIY methods for teeth whitening

Teeth whitening methods at home are one of the most efficient ways of giving your dull smile a good boost. But some of them can also irritate your sensitive gums and teeth, mainly when not used per directions. While selecting DIY teeth whitening treatment, you will get several options, including whitening toothpaste, rinse, whitening trays, gels and strips. Make sure you go through the directions and labels to see if there are any warnings about sensitivity. 


Maintaining your whitened smile

No matter which method you have chosen for teeth whitening, make sure you take all necessary steps to extend the results of your efforts. Some of the essential steps are

  • After eating or drinking any dark-colored food or beverage such as coffee, wine, and tomato-based products, brush or rinse your mouth immediately.
  • Use a straw while drinking dark-colored liquids to protect your teeth from stains.
  • Do not make use of tobacco products.


A white and beautiful smile is also possible for those who have sensitive teeth. Under the guidance of your dentist, you can easily select the best teeth whitening option for your sharp teeth. is a platform with numerous dentists whom you can choose for discussing your teeth whitening methods with sensitive teeth.




About the Author:

Suprithi Choudhary, M.Pharm (Pharmacology) Medical Content writer

Suprithi is a Pharma Professional working as a medical content writer and previously worked as a Research Scientist and Senior Research Analyst


  • C.M Academy
  • Attended the Panjab University- Chandigarh, Pharma post-graduate in Pharmacology

Special thanks to Dr Deepak Kulkarni, a dental surgeon with over 23 years of experience who proofread this blog. He graduated from the H.K.E's Dental College, Gulbarga, and has certifications in ACHS International Accreditation Education Plan; Advanced Rotary Endodontic - Restorative Continuum; and Leadership, Team Building and Customer Service Leadership from the Oscar Murphy International.

  • teeth whitening
  • tooth sensitivity
  • teeth whitening for sensitive teeth
  • methods for teeth whitening