Veneers- To Brighten-up Your Smile


Everyone is born with imperfections but dental imperfections are the most common ones. And sometimes dental flaws or deformities may affect a person’s confidence. 

However, there is a magical solution to those chipped, discoloured, deformed teeth, called veneers. Say goodbye to chipped teeth, gaps between teeth (especially front ones) and/or misshaped teeth, no more shying away from a hearty laugh!


Dental veneers cover up those imperfections that make you conscious about your smile. Veneers are matched in colour, texture and shape that complement your natural teeth, to avoid an artificial look. However, if you wish to go a shade brighter, even that is possible in a natural-looking way.


Veneers are thin dental shells made out of porcelain or resin-composite material. They are bonded permanently to the teeth. 


There are certainly different types of Veneers, apart from the material the veneers also differ in the traditional and modern types. 

The traditional method includes the reduction of teeth (if needed) by grinding the tooth structure. This process is irreversible and could prove to be painful. Nonetheless, the modern method may require none to some preparation of the tooth on a minimal level but nothing so drastic.

The tooth model again can be formed by the traditional method by taking impressions or by CAD/CAM method which is 3D modelling.


But how to choose which procedure or what kind of veneers will suit your needs best? The correct answer is by asking your doctor and taking second opinions at MyDentalPlan ( 


Although there are some pointers to keep in mind:


  • Cost
  • Length of process
  • Appearance 
  • Longevity 

Do not get overwhelmed by the information, speak to your nearest expert and find your best solution to a brilliant smile. At MyDentalPlan - India’s largest dental network find the best treatment and consultation plans to help you in your smiling journey.

  • veneers
  • must know things about veneers
  • what are veneers
  • bright teeth
  • how to get bright teeth