Risking Your Child’s Oral Health With Excessive Computer Usage?


Sounds weird, right? But it is an undeniable fact backed up by a lot of studies. No wonder, the era of digitalisation is a great step towards our growth and development. But little did we know, that our children sitting in front of screens for hours will eventually give an invitation to a whole lot of health problems. Oral health is no exception! 

Research states that if a child spends more than six hours in front of a laptop or any digital screen, on a daily basis, they are more likely to get their oral health at risk. We are definitely taking a moment to appreciate the ones who diligently follow their oral care regime. Kudos to you! ;) But let’s not deviate from the point, addressing the ones who don’t stick to the same.

The answer to your "why or how" is pretty simple. 

The more they are spending their time on screens, be it for online classes, video games or internet surfing, their frequency to consume sugary or sticky food also rises to almost three times a day which will cost their oral health a fortune. Eventually, wreaking havoc on the teeth and gums.

As we said, not just oral health but their relationship with obesity and other unhealthy lifestyle habits will also grow stronger if they sit for long hours in front of digital screens.

No! We don’t want to scare you, we are not just giving you the brief of a problem, here we are with the solution as well. 

We can’t really kick the laptops or tablets out of the children’s life. But we can definitely inculcate a good dental routine for the apple of our eyes. How about giving them the best oral health, that too virtually? Ironic it is! 


India’s best dentists are just at your fingertips to amp up your little one’s oral health. It doesn’t only sounds interesting but it works wonders as well. PAN India presence, standardised cost and quality are all that we crave. And MyDentalPlan is the key to unlocking all that is wanted for oral health.



  • effect of excessive computer use
  • negative effects of computer use
  • effect of computer on physical health
  • oral care
  • sitting for long hours in front of computer
  • unhealthy lifestyle habits