Congratulations to all the would-be Mumma and the ones who recently became one. We agree, this is a beautiful journey but filled with too many challenges. Right from conceiving to labour pain to raising your child, we know it all.


If you have recently embraced parenthood then you must know the high and lows of your little one's journey. Teething is one of those. If the apple of your eye is having sleepless nights, then it won't be unfair to blame teething.

Teething - a stressful time of span for parents because they can't see their tiny tot struggling with fussy days. Teething is a natural process of a child's teeth when it starts growing through the gums. It can occur anywhere between 4 months old to 2 years of age which may even make your baby more irritated.

Let's have a quick tour of the symptoms your child may have during teething - 


  • Drooling
  • Chewing things around them
  • Irritated behaviour
  • Swollen gums
  • Decreased appetite


While we agree, seeing your child in pain will break you inside and out. You may become an expert and know everything with the help of the internet and we certainly don't doubt your intentions. However, you must ask your paediatrician before trying any remedy on your own.

With the help of our experts, we have a list of natural remedies for your benefit but as we said, please consult your paediatrician before practising anything. Because you may love your baby the most and we love you no less.


Massage - 

When the tension builds because of the emerging teeth, it is recommended to give your little one a gentle gum massage. It will reduce the pain and irritation caused and can actually relax your baby.


Teething Toys -

Teething toys are a great choice to calm your baby during those fussy days. When the baby chews the teething ring or toy, it works as a teething remedy.


And the list goes on, but we still insist you consult the doctor before practising any of the remedies. Also, if you feel that nothing calms your baby; rush to the doctor to get better assistance. 


Ensure to take your baby to regular dental visits once he or she turns two. And to serve your baby with the best of everything, head to MyDentalPlan  - India's largest dental network that has India's best dentists to serve you and your baby with the best dental care.



  • teething
  • baby care
  • baby teeth
  • baby teething remedies
  • teething issues
  • teething symptoms