Your First Mass-Produced Toothbrush Was Invented In Prison


Now when we have your attention, we thought of telling you a whole lot of facts about toothbrushes - the best friend of your oral health.

Though primitive toothbrushes started out as toothpicks, chewing sticks etc., but now when we look around, the toothbrush has changed quite a bit. 


Let’s look around a few of the interesting facts - 

The humble toothbrush is 5,000 years old - It all started with chew sticks to remove food from the teeth. Over time, the evolved version of toothbrushes was made from bone, wood or ivory handles. And today’s nylon-bristled toothbrush was invented back in 1938.

The first mass-produced toothbrush was invented in prison - Bringing back the essence of the 1770s, a prisoner named William Addis saw fellow prisoners using a rag covered in soot or salt to clean their teeth. He then saved an animal bone from dinner and received bristles from a guard to insert and sealed them with glue. 

Even when he was released, he modified his prototype, started a company and manufactured his toothbrush that still exists in the United Kingdom.

Manual or powered? Your teeth don’t care - As far as the debate around the manual and powered toothbrushes is concerned, it’s a wash; ensure to brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Both types of toothbrushes can effectively and thoroughly clean your teeth as per the comfort of an individual.

There is a “correct” order for brushing and flossing - As long as you do both, your teeth will always thank you. But it’s better to floss before brushing correctly and then clean your tongue for better oral hygiene.

The rule of “two” - Four minutes a day goes a long way to maintaining optimum oral health. To keep your smile healthy and bright,  keep up this habit twice a day.


Technology has surely come a long way! The modern-day toothbrush has everything you need. Not just that, technology has also made it easy for you to connect with your dentist from the comfort of your home. 

Yes, India’s best dentists enrolled at India’s largest dental network are at your fingertips now. MyDentalPlan - an IT-enabled company, striving to make dental care accessible and affordable to all with their exciting treatment plans and benefits they offer.



  • tooth brush
  • tooth brush invention
  • facts about brushes
  • invention
  • MyDentalPlan
  • Must Read
  • Mass produced brush
  • first tooth brush
  • William Addis