Here's Your DIY Remineralizing Tooth Powder

Good news DIY fans, we've heard your questions loud and clear!

Imagination and creativity are the most important skills to own. Pretty straightforward-sounding concept, right? But "DIY" might conjure up absolutely different perspectives for different people. 

As we can surf and see around our feeds, the "DIY" label gets added to almost everything around us. Basically, everything from patching a hole in a wall by ourselves to making our own bath bombs, everything counts as a DIY project. Moreover, DIY goes beyond that, since it can also be applied from chopping your own hair to sewing clothes, decorating a cake and much more. But what if we tell you that DIY can be helpful for your oral health too. How? Tooth powder!!

Here's how you can fine-tune your toothpowder on the basis of how it feels for your pearly whites.




  • 4 tbsp bentonite clay
  • 4 tbsp baking soda
  • 4 tbsp xylitol
  • 8-9 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 3 drops cinnamon essential oil


How to try your hands at it?


Step 1: Use a non-metallic spoon, add the given quantity of bentonite clay and 4 tbsp of baking soda.

Step 2: Add around 4 tbsp xylitol, mix well.

Step 3: Lastly, add peppermint essential oil along with cinnamon essential oils and mix well.


You're all set to use your “Do It Yourself” remineralizing tooth powder! Each of these ingredients comes with their speciality to remineralize your teeth better and look after your pearly whites.


While we are minded with the ingredients that generally do not harm. However, it is always better to dive deeper on this premise and always consult your dentist before trying these and one should immediately stop consuming in case of any side effects or irritation.

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  • DIY
  • making your own tooth powder
  • tooth powder
  • tooth powder at home
  • Remineralizing Tooth Powder
  • MyDentalPlan
  • Smile Bright
  • Pearly White Teeth