Have you recently BRACED your teeth


If you have been to an Orthodontist (dentist) recently and have undergone the procedure of adding braces to your teeth, then you are already more aware of dental care than most people in India. We often forget how important it is to correct malaligned teeth for our overall health.


Wearing braces

It is possible that a person will not feel any pain or discomfort when the braces are first placed. Within a few hours, the gentle pressure the braces put on the teeth will begin to work.

You may experience pain and discomfort for a day that can last up to a week due to pulling observed by teeth alignment. 

One can experience the following symptoms with their new braces:

  • sore gums
  • As a result of metal brackets rubbing against the cheeks, you get scrapes and sores.
  • The tongue can be cut if the person uses their language to feel the braces
  • Sore teeth/ or pain in teeth while eating or chewing food

Braces may no longer be noticeable if the body has adjusted to them. Periodically, the orthodontist needs to tighten the braces to ensure they work.

When an orthodontist tightens the braces, they may:

  • replace the current wires
  • place or tighten springs
  • pull bands on the braces to put additional pressure on the teeth

Tightening may be required once a month or as necessary, depending on the individual progress. 

Individuals may experience discomfort when tightening occurs, similar to when they first got braces. In some cases, it may be less uncomfortable.

Many people only feel pain in their teeth and gums after tightening. By now, the cheeks and tongue have usually adjusted to the braces, making them less likely to get abrasions.


How Long do Braces Take to Work?

It can take a few years for your new braces to give you a straight and perfect smile. The results usually vary 

  • On how bad your teeth were crooked, 
  • Bone density
  • Misalignment severity
  • the age of the patient. 

However, you may notice changes in the alignment of your teeth after 4 to six weeks. Within a few months, your braces may start showing effective results. When you adjust your braces or switch to a new Invisalign tray, your teeth will be slightly straighter.


Cleaning your teeth with braces

Cleaning your teeth with braces can be a little tricky. But, it is crucial to maintain proper oral hygiene with braces on to avoid plaque deposition around the brackets. It can stain your teeth around the frames, which may not give an aesthetic look once removed. Make sure to clean your teeth after every meal to remove any food particles that get stuck while eating. Also, do not forget to floss your teeth which may be a little more complicated. Instead of going for the traditional floss, it might be wise to get a flossing threader designed for patients with braces. 

Here are some tips for managing your braces with ease:


  • Meal Time: Dentists swear by Orthodontic Wax, and there is a good reason for that. It prevents you from hurting yourself because of your newly braced teeth. Remember to follow your dentist's instructions on using the wax and ensure you don’t eat before rinsing it off.
  • Brushing Time: Since solid food will ‘for sure’ stick to your teeth, it is necessary to clean them and braces properly with Fluoride containing toothpaste and mouthwash. Hold the brush at about a 45-degree angle from your gum and scrub in gentle circular motions.
  • Flossing Time: Flossing is a pain when braced teeth; you may try using waxed floss for easy gliding or interdental brushes that clean the debris. One may also choose a good water flosser that produces a narrow stream of water to help with flossing.
  • Doctor Visit Time: Getting braces doesn't mean it’s enough to visit an Orthodontist once in a while. The Orthodontic dentist will check your mounts and alignment, but your oral health also needs to be checked periodically. 



Even if the teeth braces prices in India seem unjustified to some people, they must remember that dental care is crucial. At MyDentalPlan, India’s largest Dental Network, costs are standardized, and there are many treatment cost financing and treatment benefit plans available at your fingertips while receiving high-quality dental service. Visit www.MyDentalPlan.in for more information!




About the Author:

Suprithi Choudhary, M.Pharm (Pharmacology) Medical Content writer

Suprithi is a Pharma Professional working as a medical content writer and previously worked as a Research Scientist and Senior Research Analyst


  • C.M Academy
  • Attended the Panjab University- Chandigarh, Pharma post-graduate in Pharmacology

Special thanks to Dr Deepak Kulkarni, a dental surgeon with over 23 years of experience who proofread this blog. He graduated from the H.K.E's Dental College, Gulbarga, and has certifications in ACHS International Accreditation Education Plan; Advanced Rotary Endodontic - Restorative Continuum; and Leadership, Team Building and Customer Service Leadership from the Oscar Murphy International.



  • Oral health
  • Braces
  • Flossing
  • Oral care
  • Visit to dentist